
With such amazing weather recently, we thought we'd get our walks down on 'paper' and share them with whoever wishes to make the most of this sunshine and explore our beautiful country.

We had a big birthday in the family, so we all came to Wotton-under-Edge to celebrate! We stayed in a beautiful house which was brilliantly run. It was called Canons Court and would really recommend it if you're going with a big group of people - there was 17 of us in total! In true Willway style, we scoped the area for a good walk and realised that William Tyndale Monument was nearby.

12 of us set off from the house (after trying to decipher which way to go) and this is the route we took. The first hurdle we encountered was the public footpath right of way. There was a metal farm gate that wouldn't open due to the amount it had become overgrown, which meant we had to climb it - Did we mention the big birthday was a 60th?! It was made to look like it was private property, but trusting the footpath signs and maps we climbed over. As we were helping the others over, someone went up to the houses nearby to ask about the public footpath and found out that we were on the right track!

Never to be beaten, especially this early on we tackled our first hill and boy was it a long one. It didn't look that big, but it was in a beautiful wood which overlooked farmland.This hill was a little bit of a struggle for some, but I think that's down to not walking as far, trying to keep up with those in front and being a warm day.

Once we were at the top here, we went through a little alleyway that took us to the bottom of another hill that we needed to climb to get to Wotton Hill. The views at the top were worth every step to us. The top of the hill has a couple of benches where we stopped, took in the view and took some pictures.

We're off again and now heading into the woods. This is a fairly flat bit with a clear path. There's a huge pile of logs where the path forks and we took the left path (after climbing on the logs for a photo, obviously)

We get to the end of the woods and in front of us is a huge field with a slight incline. As you're climbing that you can see the monument towards the left, we made it!

You can go up the monument and there's a suggested donation of 50p in an honestly box. I lost count the amount of stairs here, but there's a lot! All spiral stair case and not much passing room. Luckily no one passed us and we finally got to the top. Once we caught our breaths back we admired the view - it was a beautifully clear day so we could see for miles.

There's a little lane to the left of the monument that took us down. There were some fairly steep parts here but it's a quick route to the pub! You will need sturdy boots for this one as it's a lot of climbing and walking in woods. We were lucky in the weather so some had trainers on, but I can imagine it will be very muddy with rain. Grab yourself a walking stick too if that will aid your climb and descent. That's all from us, there's just one more thing to say...

Happy big birthday to Mama C!
